Download Dynamic DNS Client |
What is a Dynamic DNS? |
Dynamic DNS is a service which connects a dynamic IP to the host name (Ex.:www.myhome.com). Dynamic DNS service is needed to connect the host name (Ex.:www.myhome.com) with the IP in a dynamic IP environment in which IP address changes frequently. Dynamic DNS connects the host name and IP by sending the IP of the PC to the server side periodically after installing a dynamic DNS client or a web application on the PC of the user. If dynamic DNS is used, it is possible to operate a web server by using the PC from one's home regardless of your IP environment. |
How to use the dynamic DNS |
- Add the domain (ex: myhome.com) to the DNS server of the DNSEver.
- Go to 'My Account -> DNS Preference' menu, change to 'Allow' on 'Allow Dynamic DNS'.
- Add the host name on the Host (A Record) menu.
(For Windows users)
- Download Dynamic DNS Client For Windows.
- If the downloaded program is executed, installation will start. The installed program will check the IP of the PC periodically. If the IP changes, it will be updated in the server.
(For Linux/UNIX users)
- Update the dynamic DNS by using a shell based web browser like lynx and wget.
- ID: ID of a user who has joined DNSEver.
- Authorization code(authcode): Dynamic DNS authorization code(authcode). Authorization code is different from the password that is used during sign in DNSEver.com website. After signing in DNSEver.com website, you can find authcode from the 'My Account -> DNS Preference' menu of your domain.
- Dynamic_DNS_Host: Write the Dynamic DNS Host to update. Dynamic DNS Host must be registered in the 'Host (A Record)' menu of DNSEver first.
- Update_String: Write the details that will be updated with dynamic DNS. The form is as follows.
1. If only one host is updated (It is setup in online state. IP address is setup automatically in the server)
2. If a host is updated by a specific IP (Ex.:
3. If the host is setup offline
4. If several hosts are updated, they can be input by arranging with '&'.
Ex.1) bbs.myhome.com and www.myhome.com are updated with an automatic IP and are setup in online state
Ex.2) bbs.myhome.com is changed in offline state. www.home.com updates an IP automatically and is setup in online state.
lynx -source -auth=ID:authcode 'http://dyna.dnsever.com/update.php?Update_String'
wget -O - --http-user=ID --http-passwd=authcode 'http://dyna.dnsever.com/update.php?Update_String'
-O, an option for wget above, is the upper case English character O. |
How to update dynamic DNS automatically in Linux |
- Make an executable script to update the dynamic DNS.
[root]# vi /usr/local/bin/ddns.sh
/usr/bin/wget -O - --http-user=ID --http-passwd=authcode 'http://dyna.dnsever.com/update.php?Update_String'
After editing, give execution permission to /usr/local/bin/ddns.sh by following:
[root]# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ddns.sh
- Edit the /etc/crontab file so that the dynamic DNS update script runs at each fixed time (Ex.: Each 5 minutes).
[root]# vi /etc/crontab
*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/ddns.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
- Add an execution line for the dynamic DNS update script in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file so that the script is executed when the system starts.
(Note that startup scripts may vary by Linux distros. Ubuntu Linux uses /etc/rc.local for startup script. Debian/Linux do not use rc.local file for startup scripts. See the Debian FAQ)
[root]# vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local