var LANG = new Array(); LANG['language'] = "en"; /*** Register Form Error ***/ LANG['EmptyID'] = "Enter User ID."; LANG['IDNotChecked'] = "Check whether the User ID can be used by pressing the 'check availability!' button."; LANG['InvalidID'] = "Corresponding ID is invalid. ID must consist of 5~20 lower case English characters or numbers and the first character must be a lower case English character."; LANG['EmptyPassword'] = "Enter the password."; LANG['InvalidPassword'] = "Corresponding password is invalid. Enter the password with 5~40 characters."; LANG['InvalidAuthCode'] = "Authorization code(authcode) must be 5~20 characters of English characters or numbers."; LANG['EmptyPasswordConfirm'] = "Password verification field is empty."; LANG['FailIDConfirm'] = "Two IDs that were input do not match. Please enter again."; LANG['FailPasswordConfirm'] = "Two passwords that were input do not match. Please enter again."; LANG['NotAgreeTerms'] = "You must agree to DNSEver's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy."; LANG['EmptyDepositor'] = "입금자 이름이 비어있습니다. 입금자 이름을 입력하십시오."; LANG['RequiredPhoneOrHandPhone'] = "Please provide at least one telephone number."; LANG['EmptyName'] = "Name field is empty. Enter your name."; LANG['InvalidName'] = "The name contains English characters or numbers."; LANG['InvalidSpaceName'] = "There is a blank in the name."; LANG['EmptyEmail'] = "E-mail address is empty."; LANG['EmptyEmailVerify'] = "E-mail address is empty."; LANG['InvalidEmail'] = "Invalid email address."; LANG['InvalidEmailLength'] = "Corresponding E-mail address is not correct."; LANG['InvalidEmailVerify'] = "E-mail address that was entered is not identical."; LANG['EmptyLanguage'] = "Display language has not been selected."; LANG['SelectRiddleQuestion'] = "Select a question to find the password."; LANG['EmptyRiddleAnswer'] = "Enter the answer for the question to find the password."; LANG['EmptyPhoneNo'] = "Enter the phone number accurately."; LANG['InvalidPhoneNo'] = "Characters other than numbers cannot be entered for a phone number."; LANG['InvalidKeywordLength'] = "Too many characters in keywords entry. Please change and try again."; LANG['InvalidViewportLength'] = "Too many characters in viewport entry. Please change and try again."; LANG['InvalidDescriptionLength'] = "Too many characters in description entry. Please change and try again."; LANG['InvalidContentTypeLength'] = "Too many characters in http-equiv=\"content-type\". Please change and try again."; /*** Else ***/ LANG['InvalidDomain'] = "Domain name is not correct."; LANG['EmptyDomain'] = "Domain is empty."; LANG['EmptySubDomain'] = "Subdomain is empty."; LANG['EmptyCNAMESubDomain'] = "Subdomain for the domain alias (CNAME) is empty. Domain alias (CNAME) must designate a subdomain."; LANG['ChooseDomain'] = "Select a domain."; LANG['ChooseRecord'] = "Select a record."; LANG['UnavailablePTR'] = "Invserse domain is not supported."; LANG['EmptyIP'] = "IP value is empty."; LANG['InvalidIP'] = "Form of the IP is not correct."; LANG['EmptyIPv6'] = "IPv6 value is empty."; LANG['InvalidIPv6'] = "Form of the IPv6 is not correct."; LANG['InvalidURL'] = "Form of the URL is not correct. URL is a character array starting with 'http://' string."; LANG['InvalidURLMalformed'] = "Malformed website URL on 'Website to display' field"; LANG['InvalidURLNoProtocol'] = "Website URL must start with address like http://."; LANG['EmptyURL'] = "URL value is empty."; LANG['SelectDeleteDomain'] = "Select a domain to delete."; LANG['SelectChangeDomain'] = "Select a domain to modify."; LANG['SelectDeleteRecord'] = "Select a record to delete."; LANG['SelectChangeRecord'] = "Select a record to modify."; LANG['SelectChangeHostname'] = "Select a host name to modify."; LANG['SelectDeleteEmail'] = "Select an E-mail address to delete."; LANG['SelectChangeEmail'] = "Select an E-mail address to modify."; LANG['SelectEmail'] = "Select an E-mail address."; LANG['SelectGrantTransfer'] = "Select a domain to transfer."; LANG['SelectAcceptTransfer'] = "Select a domain to accept."; LANG['SelectRejectTransfer'] = "Select a domain to reject."; LANG['SelectCancelTransfer'] = "Select a domain to cancel."; LANG['EmptyMX'] = "Mail server value is empty."; LANG['EmptyMXRank'] = "Priority value for the mail server is empty."; LANG['InvalidMX'] = "Form of the mail server (MX) is not correct. Mail server must have the form of a domain and IP address cannot be entered."; LANG['InvalidMXRank'] = "Form of the mail server (MX) priority is not correct."; LANG['EmptyTXT'] = "TXT value is empty."; LANG['InvalidTXTLength'] = "TXT record cannot not exceed a maximum of 2048 characters."; LANG['SelectActualDomain'] = "Select a destination domain to use as an alias."; LANG['SameSOAValues'] = "SOA value that was changed is the same as the existing value."; LANG['EmptyNS'] = "Name server (NS) value is empty."; LANG['InvalidNS'] = "Value of the name server (NS) is not in correct domain form. IP address cannot be entered."; LANG['InvalidWildcardNS'] = "Wild card (*) cannot be entered in a NS record."; LANG['InvalidZoneMemo'] = "Number of characters is too high. Memo for a domain can only have up to 65000 characters."; LANG['InvalidSubnet'] = "Form of the subnet mask is not correct."; LANG['EmptyCaptcha'] = "Authentication code value is empty."; /*** Change Password Alert ***/ LANG['ConfirmChangePassword'] = "Would you like to change the password?"; LANG['ConfirmEdit'] = "Would you like to change?"; /*** MailForward ***/ LANG['InvalidMailForward'] = "같은 도메인으로는 메일포워딩을 할 수 없습니다."; LANG['InvalidDomainOrEmail'] = "Domain name or E-mail address is not correct."; LANG['EmptyDomainOrEmail'] = "Domain name or E-mail address is empty."; LANG['ExistDomainOrEmail'] = "Domain or E-mail that exist already."; LANG['SelectDeleteDomainOrEmail'] = "Select a domain or E-mail to delete."; /*** EditDDNS ***/ //LANG['OfflineNoUse'] = '오프라인 페이지 지원을 사용하지 않습니다.'; //#LANG['EmptyStatus'] = '변경하실 상태를 선택해주세요.'; LANG['PrivateIP'] = "IP that was entered is a private IP. To use the dynamic DNS service, enter a public IP.\n If IP router or NAT is used, enter the public IP for the IP router or NAT server.\n\nPrivate IP range for which input is forbidden\n * ~\n * ~\n * ~\n *"; LANG['InvalidOfflineMsgLength'] = "Number of characters is too high. Offline message can only have up to 65000 characters."; LANG['InvalidOfflineMsg'] = "JavaScript cannot be used in an offline message."; /*** AddPTRZone ***/ LANG['EmptyNetworkStart'] = " Enter the starting address of the network."; LANG['EmptyNetworkEnd'] = "Enter the ending address of the network."; LANG['EmptyNetworkSubnet'] = "Enter the subnet mask of the network."; //LANG['InvalidNetworkSubnet'] = '입력한 네트워크 서브넷마스크가 올바르지 않습니다.'; //LANG['NotSupportUpperClass'] = '지금은 B class 이상은 지원하지 않습니다.'; LANG['EmptyHostname'] = "Hostname is empty."; //LANG['OverNetworkRange'] = '할당받은 네트워크 영역을 벗어납니다.'; LANG['InvalidPTRZone'] = "Form of the IP is not correct."; LANG['InputOnlyNum'] = "Only numbers may be entered."; LANG['PTRIPRange'] = "Only numbers between 0 ~ 255 may be entered."; /*** Edit SRV ***/ LANG['SelectServiceName'] = "Select a service name."; LANG['SelectProtocolName'] = "Select a protocol name."; LANG['InvalidPriority'] = "Characters other than numbers cannot be entered for priority. Only integers from 0 to 65535 may be entered."; LANG['InvalidWeight'] = "Characters other than numbers cannot be entered for weight. Only integers from 0 to 65535 may be entered."; LANG['InvalidPort'] = "Characters other than numbers cannot be entered for the port number. Only integers from 0 to 65535 may be entered."; LANG['InvalidServiceName'] = "Service name must start with '_'."; LANG['EmptyPriority'] ="Priority value is empty."; LANG['EmptyWeight'] = "Weight value is empty."; LANG['EmptyPort'] = "Port number value is empty."; /*** Unregister confirm ***/ LANG['ConfirmUnregister'] = "Do you really want to delete account?"; /*** Port Scan ***/ /*** Template ***/ LANG['selectTemplate'] = "Select the template to apply."; /*** Webmail ***/ /*** Cart ***/ LANG['alert_no_product'] ="No items in your cart."; LANG['alert_no_selected_product'] ="Select items you want to check out."; LANG['please_login'] ="You must sign-in before ordering services."; LANG['alert_no_item'] ="No items selected."; /*** Payment ***/ LANG['alert_change_information'] ="입금정보가 변경되었습니다"; LANG['request_info'] ="Details"; LANG['tax_invoice_begin'] ="세금계산서 발급대기중입니다."; LANG['not_choose_card_type'] = "Select type of credit card."; LANG['no_card_number'] = "Enter your card Number."; LANG['choose_your_bank'] = "입금은행을 선택해주세요."; LANG['no_name'] = "Enter your name."; LANG['no_email'] = "Enter your email."; LANG['no_contact'] = "Enter your telephone or mobile phone number."; LANG['no_mobile'] = "Enter your mobile phone number"; LANG['no_depositor'] = "Enter your name."; LANG['not_agreed'] = "Please agree to Terms of Service."; LANG['cancel_confirm'] = "Are you sure you want to cancel your order?"; LANG['cancel_card_confirm'] = "Are you sure you want to cancel your order?"; LANG['save_confirm'] = "Do you want to save changes?"; LANG['choose_webforwarding_domain'] = "Choose domains you would like to subcribe Web Forwarding service."; LANG['choose_service_domain'] = "Choose domains you would like to subscribe service."; LANG['confirm_delete'] = "Are you sure you want to delete?"; LANG['use_bank_after_login'] = "무통장입금(가상 계좌)는 로그인 후에 결제가 가능합니다."; LANG['use_deposit_after_login'] = "무통장입금(가상 계좌)는 로그인 후에 결제가 가능합니다."; LANG['extend_term_fail'] = "This domain cannot be renewed. For free Subdomain, you can only renew 60 days before expiration date."; LANG['not_enough_money'] = "Run out of credit. Please charge credit before using it."; LANG['not_enough_balance'] = ""; LANG['need_favicon_url'] = "Enter URL for favicon."; LANG['no_favicon'] = "File for favicon could not be found."; LANG['insert_proper_number'] = "Please enter the amount of the purchase credit."; LANG['insert_unit_by_point'] = "More than %s can be entered."; LANG['insert_minimum_point'] = "Number of %s or higher can be entered."; LANG['not_input_money'] = "Please enter the number of credit purchased."; LANG['not_input_balance'] = ""; LANG['insert_numeric_point'] = "Please enter the amount of the purchase credit."; LANG['choose_period'] = "Select the period"; LANG['choose_service'] = "No changes has been made."; LANG['payment_done'] = "Payment is complete."; LANG['charge_done'] = "Charging complete."; LANG['use_after_payment'] = "Settle the overdue payment to use the domain manager."; LANG['unregister_after_payment'] = "Settle the overdue payment to unsubscribe."; LANG['request_url_need_correct_domain'] = "Your Web site URL must include the domain that you subscribe"; LANG['upgrade_after_extend'] = "Extend your subscription before changing an option. You only have %s days so the options cannot be changed."; LANG['popup_blocked'] = "A pop-up is blocked. Kindly unblock it."; LANG['check_pay_right_now'] = "Credit has been purchased and charged. Do you want to settle your payment of the bill?"; LANG['select_delete_paymethod'] = "Select a payment method to delete."; /*** Board ***/ LANG['no_content'] = "내용을 입력해주세요."; LANG['no_subject'] = "제목을 입력해주세요.";